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Faith In Nature - Bible Study Box for Families

Faith In Nature - Bible Study Box for Families

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Rediscover the joy and peace of faith through nature with our "Faith In Nature" Bible Study Box.

The "Faith In Nature" box is perfect for families who want to foster a positive, open-minded faith for their kids, free from the harsh rules of strict religious practices:

The "Faith In Nature" Bible Study box includes:

- Faith In Nature Devotional: Deepen your family’s relationship with God with the help of engaging materials that explore the role of all nature in the Bible and why it's important to take good care of our world.

- Wildflower Garden Kit: Learn about God's goodness by planting seeds and watching them grow. This hands-on experience teaches children about patience, care, and the importance of environmental stewardship.

- Rainbow Promise Craft: Create a rainbow craft as a bright reminder of God’s love. It’s a fun way to bring color and joy into your home, showing how everyone is welcome under God’s love.

Order the Faith In Nature box today and experience how combining faith with nature can bring more peace and joy into your family’s life.

What ages are the boxes for?

Boxes are designed with kids ages 3-9 in mind but we try to include something for everyone to make sure the whole family can join in on the fun!

When will I get my box?

Subscription boxes ship on the 20th of every month.

How many kids is it for?

Each box includes supplies for 3 kids.

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Why We Love It:

  • Promotes a faith rooted in kindness and inclusion.
  • Inspires families to explore the many ways God works in our lives to make us kinder & more loving people.
  • Supports your kids' spiritual growth in a gentle & fun way.

The Faith In Nature Box is more than just a box; it's an experience, a conversation starter, and a gateway to moments of growth, joy, and heartfelt connection for your family.

Join us for a full year and save 20%

Opt for 12 month subscription and never miss a moment of this beautiful journey. Perfect for families looking for resources that align with an inclusive and gentle approach to faith education

Here's a sneak peek at upcoming themes:

June: Love Without Limits

  • Focus: Dive into Jesus' teachings about unconditional love and how we can practice this in our daily lives. Highlight stories of Jesus showing love to those on the fringes of society, and include activities that encourage acts of kindness and acceptance within the community.

July: Compassion in Action

  • Focus: Explore the theme of compassion, emphasizing the importance of empathy and understanding in following Jesus' path. Share biblical instances where Jesus demonstrated compassion, and offer practical ways families can extend compassion in their communities, such as volunteering or supporting a local charity.

August: Unity in Diversity

  • Focus: Celebrate the diversity of God's creation and the unity we can find in our differences. Use this month to discuss different cultural expressions of faith, introduce stories of unity from the Bible, and engage in activities that appreciate and honor diversity, such as creating a world faiths prayer chain or hosting a multicultural faith dinner.

From our family to yours:

Hey there! I'm Michelle, mom of 3 and long time spiritual explorer. As the creator of the "Faith In Nature" Bible Study Box, it is my sincere hope that each month's box helps your family deepen their connection to Jesus and a faith that welcomes and affirms everyone.

Full of engaging activities and thoughtful stories, the Faith In Nature box is a tool to help your family grow in knowledge, empathy, and spiritual depth. I can't wait to see where your explorations take you!

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